My first blog. Feels like a big step - putting my thoughts out there.
Let me tell you a bit about myself - I am a deviant. I do not mean a sexual deviant (well, not most of the time), I mean a cultural deviant. I deviate from the norm. And for the most part I'm completely happy with this state of affairs; I never wanted to be normal (lucky really - I had no hope! Two Mums, two Dads, all taking various drugs and living various alternative lifestyles, plus I was home-schooled!) and rather enjoyed being different. I usually find myself being different even amongst people who one might naturally assume I'd fit in with completely. I guess the other point is that I'm very much a cultural hybrid and I've taken views on subjects based on my own understanding of them (as opposed to because they are the views held by whatever clique I happen to feel I belong to. No-one owns up to this, but it does appear to me as if it goes on an awful lot), not always necessarily the view you might expect. This has led me to hold views and opinions that are not necessarily usual bedfellows; I believe in environmentalism AND support nuclear energy. I'm (broadly) a socialist AND a libertarian/anarchist. I love Bach AND I think dubstep is the best thing to happen to music since the invention of the 303. I love maths and am working towards a degree in it AND I'm an amateur graffiti artist. I hate the TV and all the crap it's brought AND I love TV because there really are some wonderful programs on. Cognitive dissonance - you soon get over it.
I am aiming to publish at least one post a week. I would like to point out that I really am not expecting many (if any) people to read this. I'm mostly using it as a warehouse or repository for the thoughts and ideas I have, on any of the subjects I'm currently interested in. That said, if you are reading this (and you must be) I hope you enjoy it. If you want to contact me feel free.
Blue skies x
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